
Michelle, Ryan, and Ethan!

Last weekend I had the pleasure of traveling to beautiful New Market, MD and met the newest addition to the Sheahin family- Baby Ethan!

Despite the fact that he had the sniffles, Ethan was a FANTASTIC model. Just look at that smile, he was born for the camera!

Michelle and Ryan are new parents, but you really couldn't tell when you saw them interact with their baby boy, they're naturals! There's an absolute TON of love in that house, and I think that shows in the sample of photos below.

Happy Baby. Happy Parents. Beautiful Life. 

Congratulations guys!!!




Starting up the Blog (finally!)

Hey's been a long time coming, but I've finally gotten around to setting up the blog on my site!

Check back here to see some of the wedding, engagement, and portrait sessions that we've done, as well as somepersonal projects and tips to take your own fantastic photos!

Bookmark it or sign up for email notifications to continue viewing some of the eye candy that we create here at Vantage Points Photography!

- R